Sew-Eurodrive Ltd. is primarily engaged in the manufacture of baby carriages; manufacture of umbrellas, sun-umbrellas, walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops, buttons, press-fasteners, snap-fasteners, press-studs, slide fasteners; manufacture of cigarette lighters and matches; manufacture of articles of personal use: smoking pipes, combs, hair slides, scent sprays, vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels for personal or household use, wigs, false beards, eyebrows; manufacture of roundabouts, swings, shooting galleries and other fairground amusements; manufacture of linoleum and hard non-plastic surface floor coverings; manufacture of miscellaneous articles: candles, tapers and the like, artificial flowers, fruit and foliage, jokes and novelties, hand sieves and hand riddles, tailors dummies, etc.; and taxidermy activities.
United Kingdom
Devilliers Way
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