Slough Children's Services Trust Ltd. is primarily engaged in the social, counselling, welfare, refugee, referral and similar activities, the services of which are delivered to individuals and families in their homes or elsewhere and carried out by private organisations, disaster relief organisations and national or local self-help organisations and by specialists providing counselling services (welfare and guidance activities for children and adolescents; adoption activities, activities for the prevention of cruelty to children and others; eligibility determination in connection with welfare aid, rent supplements, etc.; old age and sick visiting; household budget counselling, marriage and family guidance; guidance delivered to persons on parole or probation; community and neighbourhood activities; activities for disaster victims, refugees, immigrants, etc., including temporary or extended shelter for them; and vocational rehabilitation and habilitation activities for handicapped or unemployed persons provided that the education component is limited); child day-care activities (creches), including day-care activities for the handicapped children; day-care activities for handicapped adults; day facilities for homeless and other socially weak groups; and charitable activities such as fund raising or other supporting activities aimed at social work.
United Kingdom
Ground Floor West
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