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Zoll Medical Corporation

ZOLL Medical Corporation (Zoll), a subsidiary of Asahi Kasei Corporation, is a provider of medical devices and software solutions for advance emergency care. The company designs, manufactures and markets resuscitation devices and systems used for resuscitation and acute critical care victims. Zoll‘s product portfolio includes defibrillators and monitor, automated CPR, hospital software solutions, temperature management systems, ventilators, wearable defibrillator, power infuser, related accessories and others. The company caters its products and solutions to hospitals, public safety, EMS and fis,8:00-22:00,enterHours,8:00-22:00,enterHours,8:00-22:00,closeAllDay,,4805,a:0:{},a:0:{},,0,0,0,a:0:{},a:3:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:""name"";s:10:""Alisa Gray"";s:3:""job"";s:19:""Business consultant"";s:4:""desc"";s:123:""Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

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Zoll Medical Corporation