Zynga Inc. is a provider of social game services. The Company develops, markets and operates social games as live services played on mobile platforms, such as iPhone Operating System (iOS) operating system and Android operating system and social networking sites, such as Facebook. The Company has developed a range of social games, including games in its Slots, Words With Friends, Zynga Poker and FarmVille franchises. It operates its games as live services and updates them with new features. It analyzes the data generated by its players' game play and social interactions to guide the creation of new content and features. The Company operates its games as live services that are available anytime and anywhere. The Company invests in game categories, including Social Casino, Casual, Action Strategy and Invest Express. Social Casino includes Zynga Poker and its Slots games, such as Hit It Rich! Slots, Wizard of Oz Slots, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Slots, and Black Diamond Casino.
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